What partners say about us
What partners say about us
It has been such a blessing to serve as a volunteer and the Title Sponsor for Cornerstone Family Ministries Top Golf events. I was introduced to this organization by Cathy Stone 5 years ago and I immediately fell in love with their mission and wanted to yield my resources to help them serve children and families in need. My company and my church volunteer regularly at Rosa Valdez Early Learning Center and in Cornerstone’s Community Garden.
Our church members look forward to volunteering at Cornerstone Community Garden every second Serve Saturday. We know that Cornerstone is passionate about providing access to nutritious food and produce to children and families living in food desserts and so it is our pleasure to serve alongside this ministry.
At Mulberry UMC, our United Methodist Women have adopted one of Cornerstone Family Ministries Child Care centers. Through packing and delivering care packages regularly our members have grown special bonds with the children and families who attend. It has been so fulfilling to bring smiles to the students faces and pray for them as they continue to learn and grow!