Cornerstone Child’s Chance for Change (C4) Scholarship
Sliding Scale Scholarship
Cornerstone’s Child’s Chance For Change (C4) Sliding Scale Scholarship is a scholarship funded through events and private donations to Cornerstone Family Ministries for the purpose of providing faith-based, safe, quality early childhood education at the Rosa Valdez Center for families who are earning and learning their way out of generational poverty and motivated to break the cycle of poverty for their children. Scholarships are awarded to families that meet the criteria below and based on successful completion of the application process and fund availability.
Criteria for Scholarship
Candidates for the scholarship must be working and/or going to school and without other safe options for childcare.
Candidates do not qualify for School Readiness, Early Headstart or are on the waiting list.
Candidates can be married or single and are eligible based on their household income.
Income eligibility and sliding scale rates are based on HUD income guidelines.
Scholarship recipients must pay their sliding scale portion in advance and on time weekly to keep their scholarship.
Scholarships are based on availability, the applicants application, and the applicants self-sufficiency interview with Cornerstone’s designated board or staff scholarship committee.
C4 Scholarships subsidize between $2,500 and $7,000 toward annual tuition depending on the age of the child and the income of the family.
Criteria for Scholarship
Submit proof of income for all family members
Submit proof of school enrollment [if applicable]
Submit proof of School Readiness and/or Early Headstart application [if applicable] with Denial or Wait List notice
Certify willingness to participate in all family support activities and center events